小島新田 - Kojima Shinden -
京急川崎から埋立地方面に分岐した支線で、大師線という名前の通り川崎大師へのアクセスを提供しています。 路線自体はもう少し先に延びて、JRの貨物線直前にあるこの駅が終点です。 昔は駅名どおりの「新田」があったようですが、今は貨物線の向こう側は工場、こちら側は建売住宅の並ぶ街です。
There is this station on the route that diverged from "Kawasaki". This route is a route for the purpose of the worship to a Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine called "Kawasaki-Daishi", but there is this station for the purpose of the commuting to a factory being important. This station is named "Shinden". "Shinden" is a field, but there are few fields now, and there are many houses.
京急大師線 Keikyu Daishi Line |
産業道路 Sangyo Douro |
どんつきな駅のお約束にもれず頭端ホームです。路線自体が地下化されるということで途中駅は至る所工事中ですが、 この駅はそれより前に今の複線化した駅に改装したそうですね。
Because it is in the terminal of the route, in this station, a station building is installed in the point of the track.
No thoroughfare for vehicles is installed in the terminal of the track. The No thoroughfare for vehicles is very bigger than the scale of the station.
Station building.