北綾瀬 - Kitaayase -
千代田線は荒川を渡るあたりで地上へ出て綾瀬から常磐線へ乗り入れていますが、そこで乗り入れずに車庫方面へ分岐した方向に一駅だけあるのがこの北綾瀬駅です。 分岐駅である綾瀬駅はすみっこに専用のホームが用意されていて、この駅もホーム1本だけという味わい深いどんつきぶりです。
Chiyoda Line appears on the ground near Arakawa and joins JR. Route diverges to the direction of the garage unless join JR. Only one has a small station just before a garage.
千代田線 Chiyoda Line |
綾瀬 Ayase |
This is a building of the stations. Only one home is at this station.
A small train of three formation comes at this station and makes a round trip between neighboring Ayase Station.
The track does not come to a dead end at this station and goes to the garage ahead.
The sidewalk is established on a garage, I can watch a train from here. The child liking trains often comes in this place and looks at a train and enjoys it.