紀和 - Kiwa -
南海の「和歌山市」とJRの「和歌山」の間を結ぶ路線に一駅だけある無人駅で、駅が出来た当初はここが南紀方面の起点になる駅だったそうですよ。 写真を撮った時点ではとっくに1ローカル駅に格下げとなって無人駅化、窓口や広告まで綺麗さっぱりなくなった状態になっていました。 その後、駅は改築されて無人駅ながらも綺麗な高架駅になっているといいますね。
This station is a station existing alone on the route that links "Wakayamashi" as Nankai Railway to "Wakayama" as JR. When this station was made, this place was the initial point of the route. Therefore the scale of the station was big. However, a person is not at the station because this route was not used very much; the facilities do not function again, too. A station was rebuilt and became the beautiful small station now.
JR紀勢本線 Kisei Line |
和歌山市 Wakayamashi |
和歌山 Wakayama |
駅舎。この時点の路線の規模には不釣合いな大きな駅舎ですが、昔は路線の起点だけ合ってそこそこに賑わっていた……のでしょうか? どうも戦中戦後の辺りではすでに和歌山駅がターミナル機能の主流だったようですが。
Many trains do not come to this station. However, the building is big. It is big in old days because this place was the initial point of the route because it is the building which was sometimes built.
In the road of the station square, a parking lot in particular and the rotary are not prepared for. However, there is not the problem because a way is large enough.
There is large vacant land in front of the station. I performed the change of the locomotive and the wait of the train in old days at this place.
Even an advertisement is not put on the platform.
Because it is unmanned, in this station, the window is closed. Therefore a board is put on the window.
A housing complex exists in the other side of the station.